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Showing posts from December, 2020

How is Prefabrication a Viable Construction Trend for the “New Normal” in 2020?

The year 2020 has made mankind suffer the worst of the past few decades and the devastating crisis of the pandemic of this year has dealt a major blow to all the major sectors. None has been immune to the losses of life, economy, social-economic imbalances as well as overall insecurities of future. The Covid crisis of this year has thus resulted in a “New Normal” that has indulged mankind in search of optimized means of compromise so as to ensure a gradual shift towards “Living with the Virus”.   Unemployment rates have soared to a record high, organizations are in major debts and companies are taking a sabbatical as means to be able to sustain and survive the devastating impact of the lockdowns and pandemic.   Construction sector in times of the pandemic   While we are about to accomplish a year since we first faced the Covid-19 virus, there are still vast unknowns about the virus itself as well as how things will fare up in the coming year. Even after almost a year, the pande

What Makes Glasswool an Ideal Material Choice for Structural Panels?

 Every building structure has an imperative requisite for panels that act as envelops for the same. While there are many choices of materials to consider while opting for building panels and envelops, it is based on a vast number offactors to have the best optimum selection of materials.  A glass wool board has emerged to be a highly preferred and trusted material for construction of building panels. It possesses an ideal mix of performance characteristics, aesthetic features and functional advantages that makes it the best favorable choice of utilization in myriad construction projects across residential, commercial as wellas residential sectors.  The exceptional convenience and unparalleled mix of benefits make glasswool panels a viable choice for utilization to enable unsurpassed advantages in terms of strength, reliability, resistance and performance.   Glasswool panels: A perfect mix of functional and aesthetic excellence    The glasswool panels embody a perfect mix of super

Enhance Industrial Ergonomics and Productivity with Use of Rockwool Sandwich Panels

  Every industrial enclosure or factory building has to conform to set levels of ergonomic standards so as to enable best safety and comfort of the workers. There are set protocols that every industrial enclosure designer has to follow so as to enable peak levels of efficiency, strength as well as safety from the same.  The major concerns for industries and factories remain to be heat, noise, fire and dust. These could act as hindrances to the optimum gains of productivity from industrial processes and thus it becomes every bit imperative to counter the same so as to achieve desired levels of performance as well as protection.   Industrial ergonomics and their impact on worker productivity   The overall gains of streamlined task conduct and on-time accomplishment of projects is what sets to be a major imperative in every factory or industry. While there are myriad factors and elements that contribute towards the same, the avail of ideal work environment to the factory workers lea

Cherish Long-Term Cost Savings from Prefab Industrial Enclosures And Factory Sheds

In the current age, we are experiencing a swift and wide shift towards the alternate construction technologies and the outdated traditional building development methods are being replaced by modern pioneering solutions that promise unparalleled advantages.    In every infrastructure development project, costs and budgets remain to be imperative factors to consider and it is through alternate modular construction solutions that better gains in terms of costs are to be cherished. One of the major cost-cutting benefits of prefabrication is the better wastage reduction as enabled by this technology. This method of building development has been studied to enable as much as more than 45% savings in material or resource wastage and thus greater cost savings are to be gained.    Long-term savings guaranteed by industrial enclosures manufacturer       Every building structure comes with long-term maintenance and amelioration requisites. These contribute to the overall costs of the same